10 April 2008

Relationships: Time

As I get older my decision making skills when it comes to dipping out of a bad situation as far as dating is concerned has become more finely tuned. Also as I get older for me it becomes more apparent what it is that I want from a relationship and in a perspective partner. Gone are the days of the indecisiveness and apprehensiveness. Things for me are much more clear cut and to the point. I don't linger in wonderment for the person that I am talking with to make the next move or decision. I know right away if the relationship is going somewhere or if it's at a stall.

Recent dates have showed me that dudes that I've talked to are very much unsure of what they want or they are under the impression that something better or more fitting for them may come along. All of this is true, but what I don't understand is why people find it okay to waste their time and another persons time if they are pretty sure that it's not going to work. What I've learned is that you can't wait or expect someone to tell you that it's not going to go in the direction that either of you had hoped.

Certain signs for me when talking to someone that it's just died is if something changes in the way they communicate with me. If we go from conversing three or four times a day and then all of a sudden we talk once in a week then it's time for us to see what's up. If their only response is they've been busy with no explanation then I need to get like Ray Charles and "...hit the road."

A lot of people say that I don't give people enough time - but guess what - I've only got so much and I don't know when my clock is going to expire. I always remind people that life is way too short and much too important to waste one moment in a situation that you know is not right or not progressing the way that you know it should or could. Things can only go as far as both people want them and if one person is putting up a stop sign while you're trying to proceed ahead you need to make your way to that person who is holding the same sign as you! Go forward and grab onto life.

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