09 March 2008

Relationships: True Friends

Ever since I was a young child my parents and grandparents have preached to me the value and the importance of true friendships. My father would always tell me that you have to know who are true friends and those that are fairweather friends. My father characterized fairweather friends as those people that always want to be around you when things are going great and there's no bumps in the road. Sort of like when the weather is beautiful, the skies are clear and sunny, but once that storm cloud comes they are nowhere in sight.

I've made 2008 the year of clearing those types of friends and relationships out of my life. You can love people but know that they may not have your best interest at heart. What I've learned is that a lot of people that I considered friends are truly selfish people with their own self-interest at heart. Some are leeches and they use up your energy and kindness to propel them to the next level without adding (depositing) anything to your life that may help you or motivate you to that next level. Those types of people are not the type of people you want in your life and they will do what they can to take from you and milk you of all your positive resources and once they're done

I've made it a point recently to listen intently to what my friends say in regards to my life and how they say it. There have been a couple of friends that have tried to block me from being the best me that I can be by making snide comments or not giving the support that I deem a friend should give. My philosophy has always been if you don't wish the best for your friends than you're not a friend at all. That's why it's important for people to not allow someone to prevent you from being the best you that you can be. There are too many haters out there and a lot of them are wolves in sheep's clothing. Make sure to analyze those friendships and don't be scared to speak your mind if there's someone in your life that you feel is blocking you from reaching that next level, that better level, that higher level. Don't let the haters or nay sayers prevent you from being the best you that you can be. It's easier to walk away from a negative relationship than to try to repair something that can never be fixed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading this. I have a very similar outlook on this journal entry. I am not one to call just anyone a friend. I have very few friends. I can count them on one hand. Many acquaintances, but only my friends and family get to see and feel the better true side of me. The rest are kept distance. Although they may not feel it, they are. I read your post on Lebron and Giselle and wrote agreeing with what you had said. It made complete sense to me, and I'm glad to see that there are people that an sit back, evaluate the situation, and speak about what it is, and not what it may seem. Thanks

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