30 June 2007

The One that Got Away?

I think for most of us we have that one person who we look back fondly on and say to ourselves, "...if only." I have that special someone in my heart and mind and I think about them daily. This person is honestly one of my best friends, probably biggest ally, and constant source of uplifting and support. I do on many occasions think about what it would be like if I hadn't brokeup with them or if we got back together how it would be. In all honesty it seems like sometimes we never brokeup. Our love for each other hasn't changed, and it seems like our bond grew stronger once we did breakup.

We didn't breakup for the usual things that people breakup over, ours was over having physically moved away from each other. Our breakup was actually quite well. We talked on the phone everyday after, constantly E-mailed each other when we were busy, and always made sure to be aware of each others needs emotionally, always offering support and comfort to each other. It's actually quite a beautiful thing.

I must say that you raised the bar for me when it comes to what I expect from someone that's interested in me and who I am interested. You are the scale to which I weigh the likelihood of being with a potential suitor. What I have found is that there will be no way to duplicate what we had, but in my heart I keep the beautiful memories that you and I share. And when we talk and toy with the idea of being back together my mind flutters with thoughts of finally being in one of the most beautiful places I've ever been....with you.

You're the most beautiful person I've ever been with, and that will never change. Being with you made me discover how you have to work at what you want and truly hangon to those that you love. As we slowly make our way into a new chapter and possibly together, I take a moment here to thank you for being the most thoughtful, caring, and beautiful person I've known. You are the best and may you continue to grow and find success in all that you do. I love you Kai.

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