27 January 2008

Diary of a Tired Black Man - Tim Alexander

Just got done watching Diary of a Tired Black Man! Liked the movie. It's very independent to say the least, but there are a lot of great topics discussed in it. This dialogue that needed to be discussed between African American men and women for quite some time. With the image and role of the black man becoming more and more marginalized it's wondrous to see someone go out to the streets and get the truth. All Black men don't abuse women, leave their children, cheat, or sabotage Black women's progress in getting to the next level.

Without going to much into the movie and what it's about I've included this YouTube.com clip which is a sample of what to expect from the whole movie. Basically it's the story of a married Black couple and the struggles that they go through especially the husband in trying to make his relationship work with his wife who is labeled as an "...angry black woman!"

There are many African American men that not only make taking care of their family and children a priority (like my father), but who also have an active involvement not only in their children's lives, but in the lives of their spouses as well. Growing up I had the benefit of seeing personally Black couples who were in the words of Spike Lee ..."do[ing] the right thing." The Black man's image has been broken down, drug through the mud and back again. It is a whole communities responsibility to shine the light on all the positive Black sons, fathers, nephews, uncles, boyfriends/husbands, and brothers that are out there again doing the right thing. So next time you see one of your African American friends, brothers, fathers, sons et cetera out there doing what they're supposed to. Just tell them keep up the good work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Visit the website at http://www.tiredblackman.com