27 January 2008

Diary of a Tired Black Man - Tim Alexander

Just got done watching Diary of a Tired Black Man! Liked the movie. It's very independent to say the least, but there are a lot of great topics discussed in it. This dialogue that needed to be discussed between African American men and women for quite some time. With the image and role of the black man becoming more and more marginalized it's wondrous to see someone go out to the streets and get the truth. All Black men don't abuse women, leave their children, cheat, or sabotage Black women's progress in getting to the next level.

Without going to much into the movie and what it's about I've included this YouTube.com clip which is a sample of what to expect from the whole movie. Basically it's the story of a married Black couple and the struggles that they go through especially the husband in trying to make his relationship work with his wife who is labeled as an "...angry black woman!"

There are many African American men that not only make taking care of their family and children a priority (like my father), but who also have an active involvement not only in their children's lives, but in the lives of their spouses as well. Growing up I had the benefit of seeing personally Black couples who were in the words of Spike Lee ..."do[ing] the right thing." The Black man's image has been broken down, drug through the mud and back again. It is a whole communities responsibility to shine the light on all the positive Black sons, fathers, nephews, uncles, boyfriends/husbands, and brothers that are out there again doing the right thing. So next time you see one of your African American friends, brothers, fathers, sons et cetera out there doing what they're supposed to. Just tell them keep up the good work.

You Should Vote.....or Die!

If you're of sound mind and body, over 18 and an American citizen there is no reason why you should not participate in someway in our country's political process. Sean John (as he's known today) had it right with his Vote or Die campaign. Everyone really needs to get out there and ensure your voice is heard. All it takes is one vote. I don't believe in telling people who to vote for make your own choice, but let it be yours. Don't ride the coattails of someone else. Develop your own opinions, know that it's okay to do your own research and realize that you cannot have someone else report to you the facts. Sometimes you have to stop being lazy and get out there and find the information of your own. In the end it's definitely worth it.

Get Your Spiritual On: Dr. Frederick K. C. Price

Whether you're a Bedside Baptist or a Couch Potato Catholic if you're getting your word, get your word! I love to watch my Dr. Frederick K. C. Price of Ever Increasing Faith Ministries. Dr. Price is one of the best ministers I've scene and his preaching style I equate more to a teacher then a preacher. He breaks down the Bible wondrously and makes it so that you understand every single bit. He resides over Crenshaw Christian Center in Los Angeles and a second church in Manhattan's Upper Westside commonly referred to as CCC East. He's been preaching since before 1969 and has limited his preaching to allow his son the time to shine, but he's definitely someone to check out for words of inspiration. As Dr. Price likes to quote from the Bible "...we walk by faith and not by sight!"

26 January 2008

A Moment For: Tyra Banks

Tyra Banks is doing her thing. I can't be mad at her. She's really maneuvering her way through the entertainment business. I see her going on to become much like Oprah. Producing, Directing, more movies, publishing. I see it all for her. I know her talk show is not getting the ridiculous numbers that Oprah's making but soon! What do you think is next for Tyra?

A Different Mood - Abbey Lincoln

I love Abbey Lincoln. The former wife of recently deceased jazz drummmer Max Roach, Abbey is one the most accomplished Jazz artist of all time. I love that she writes almost all of her lyrics, arranges the music as well as the vocals. Lincoln has been around forever (that's almost literal). She is honestly like no other, her deep infectious voice is beautiful. I love how she purposely pauses and seems to be just a moment behind the note. Jazz as complicated but Abbey makes it seem effortless. The cd that I recommend if you're an Abbey Lincoln beginner? Check out 'A Turtle's Dream!'

Growing Pains: Mary J. Blige

Mary's done it again. The production is flawless and you can tell she's been working hard with her vocal coaches to get her sound right! This is a good listen pick it up if you can! My favorite is 'Work That.' Very inspirational song (you know that's Mary's theme now) and gets you going. It's also the second single off the album. To me it's better then 'Fine.' Although I notice that Mary's really falling in love with the hooks again! But oh well. Great album and the video will be released soon and is said to feature Busta Rhymes who appears on a remix of 'Work That.'

19 January 2008

Crack Ain't Whack for Ike Turner

It was reported on the 17th that Ike Turner actually died of cocain overdose. The coroner listed his death as a combination of "cocaine toxicity" and other contributing factors. It was also said that there was drug paraphernalia found near his bedside. Well, what is it with these alleged reformed drug abusers. These people should be tested before they make public statements.

17 January 2008


I've purposely waited to do a post on Janet Jackson's new video. I loved the single when it was released. A lot of my friends said that they didn't like it, but as soon as the video came out everyone loved it. No one said anything about the song, but everyone said that Janet looked great in the video. Which in all honesty she does. she looks amazing. Great body, great fits. The concept of the video is very space odyssey to me. Loved it especially with the Milky Way allusion to an orgasm? Either way I won't get like everyone and say this is Janet's comeback album, because I enjoyed her last two albums whether they were commercial success or not. Well, here's to Janet...

12 January 2008

Miss. Mills

This song is so wonderful! Just brings back memories of being a kid and hearing my parents play this.